We have such loving babies and children at Ivy Bluff. I grab one as soon as I can. Here is Waylon and myself at Sunday night bible study. Also, Garrett and Clay (maybe just Garrett) are just singing away. Thanks Holly and Clay for letting me get in some baby time.
Lana, Ashley, my mom, and I had a fun time looking at wedding gowns for Lana. Lana tried on many at the first shop we stopped at in Murfreesboro and found THE ONE there. It is beautiful but no peeks until July 11th.
We had a wonderful holiday celebrating the birth of our Savior and the love of family. As usual, we had too much food, too many gifts, but lots of love and laughter. Mark and I celebrated with my family on Christmas Day morning and with his family on Christmas Day night. What a great time we have had especially with our children.
Wow, the holidays are here!!!! Funny how quick they come now and how slow they came when we were children. I would like to share some of my decorations with you. My favorites are my nativity sets.
I have a beautiful Christmas wreath on my front door and a matching arrangement on a pedestal close by.
Extras are a beautiful waterglobe that is Marks, Santa's, and another of my favorites are the carolers. And this year we all decided not to spend as much on gifts....somehow its looks like we failed on this. Well, see you after the Christmas family celebrations. Remember the reason for the season. One last request: Please pray for the family of Preslie Slatton, age 11. Preslie was a student of mine at Eastside Elementary. Preslie has been struggling with cancer for a couple of years and she passed away on Sunday. Her funeral will be Christmas Eve. How difficult this has to be for her family. Preslie has a special place in my heart, she was a loving and sweet girl.
Our amazing children and tweens performed Family Feud Christmas Style and the nativity scene. They were amazing in saying their lines, staying in place, and listening. God has blessed Ivy Bluff with these children. They were all so excited. Of course, we Methodists could not start any program without food. We had delicious snacks in the fellowship hall before we began. Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents, and children for helping in the program. A special thank you to Stephanie Edens, Holly Crawford, Donna Gunter, and Trina Koltay.
Our wonderful group of ladies from Ivy Bluff met at the home of Kaye Bess. Her home was beautifully decorated, food was delicious, and a mean game of Dirty Santa was played. Some of us took back home what we took. Nothing like getting what you want! Santa Claus even made an appearance for pictures.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Coming up at Ivy Bluff
Sunday, December 14th will be our children and tweens Christmas play. New pictures to come....stay tuned!
Winterfest at North Coffee
We had our annual PTO fundraiser last Friday night at school. Made for a very long day but was a lot of fun for everyone. We had B'BQ and the "fixins" for supper, pictures with Santa, games and crafts in every classroom, and my classroom (gym) was turned into a live auction area.
I really thought I would miss coaching basketball this year but I have really surprised myself at being okay with it. We had our first pep rally today. Boy, did I forget how loud those things are!! Our boys and girls teams won their first game. Congrats!!!!
Of course, our entire student body, approximately 530 (Pre-K-5th grade) kiddos joined in on the fun. The Kindergarden students made their own pompoms. How cute!
I had said over the past couple of years, if God helped me find a university where I could complete my degree 100% on-line, then I would do it. Well, low and behold, I found NorthWestern University in Phoenix, AZ when I started searching. Then I said if God would help me find a way to finance it, I would do it. Well, of course, they offer student loans. So I finally said "Okay God, I get it." At the same time, I was reading Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen. His book says that if God shows us a way we are to follow that way and if we don't, we are turning our back on God and saying no. Well, I knew then I was hooked. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Education with my emphasis on Teacher Leadership thru NorthWestern University in Phoenix, AZ on-line. I need all of those extra hours from practicing and ballgames to devote to my classes. I will have five classes completed in a few weeks. Lots of research but easier than I expected. Keep praying for me!!!!
We have amazing Sunday School classes. Below are the kiddos belonging to Stephanie Edens and the 20's Rock group belonging to myself. You will receive such a blessing if you attend our Sunday School classes.
After Sunday morning services, we had our monthly birthday lunch and hanging of the greens in preparation of the birth of Jesus. We had several adults working on putting up the tree, Terry Gunter braving the heights changing light bulbs, and our kiddos decorating the tree.
Christmas Play Practice
Each Sunday night our children, tweens, and parents have been practicing for our Christmas Play "Christmas Family Feud Style" and the traditional manger scene. Our children are doing absolutely great. They are so patient, listen great, and know their speaking parts. I am so proud of them!
We closed out the evening with a birthday cake for Makenna Orrick who turned a big 5 years old. As you can see, the others were glad to share in her cake.
And the most wonderful seen of all: Mr. Kenneth looking adoringly at Abigail Moore.
I live in Southern Middle Tennessee with my husband, Mark. I have a wonderful son, Justin and wife Kelly, and a great daughter, Lana, husband Joe, and grandson, Easton. I teach Physical Education at Deerfield Elementary and North Coffee
Elementary. I attend the Ivy Bluff Methodist Church. I love coordinating the children's message in our Sunday morning services and Vacation Bible School each summer. My love for children inspires me each day. I have finally discovered worrying is useless and we should turn everything over to God.