Bro. Danny talked last Sunday about listening to God speak to us and hearing what he says. Well, we needed a new teacher for the children's class. I had already told Bro. Danny that I was with children all week and thought someone else should do. Guess what, I had this class on my mind for about two straight days....I decided that was God talking to me and I had better listened. So I picked up the phone and called Sherry and told her I would teach. I had a great time my first Sunday morning. We talked about the reputation of Daniel, did a comparison of a clean and stained reputation by using a manipulative of a clothesline. We then discussed various objects (animals, fruit, etc.) and decided what type of reputation they had. We ended our class doing the Kevin Kidd Cd with the song "It's A Happy, Clappy Day." What a wonderful way to start the day.Look out Doris....the Crawford boys will take your place playing the guitar. Mr. Doris Ferrell is graciously giving Wyatt and Lane Crawford lessons after church. Dad Clay is sitting in for a lesson too.
How cold can it get???? Cold enough to let us out of school last Friday (YEAH!!!!) and we were then out on Monday for Martin Luther King holiday. Glad we could put all of that together and grab a four day weekend. It has snowed around all day today (Monday). Wish we could get out just one more day. (I really do love my career, but I LOVE being at home).
I got the pleasure of doing some wedding errands today for Lana and Joe. I stopped at a great bake shoppe in Murfreesboro. They have beautiful wedding cakes for a great price. I am going to try to attend their Bridal Show on February 8th since Lana won't be in town. I also visited Liquid Video. They video the ceremony and reception and provide the couple DVD's of the big day.I tried to contact a couple of places to provide a D. J. and a Master of Ceremonies. Seems like this is a trend I had never heard of until my son, Justin and Kelly got married. Of course, Lana just loved it.
This week we have been waiting on that white fluffy stuff they have talked about (hoping to get our of school of course) but as of today....NOTHING except cold.
I can't remember if Lana ever posted a picture of her new house on her blog but if not, here goes. I want to go and see it so bad but with her teaching and me teaching it seems we can't find time. Of course, when she is out of school, she wants to come home, which is better.
I decorate my gym doors usually monthly. This months theme is water and ducks and it says "If it were not for physical education, I would quack up". Cute or what. The teachers and kiddos always look to see what is coming up next. I have clip art of ducks with sports balls and miniature ducks taped all over both doors.
The kids at school say to get snow to dance around in a circle chanting and to wear your pajamas inside out. We need all of the help we can get. Here is my computer background at school. I am trying!!!!
After taking down Christmas decoration and that motto "less is better" I needed/wanted a few new things to brighten my home up. I have purchased beautiful pictures for various places in the house.
Justin and Kelly gave me this beautiful piece for Christmas. I have it proudly displayed in my living room.Lana and I both have talked about the square dishes that are out now. Well, I purchased four to go on my kitchen table (more decorative than eating in) and I bought one red plate to set in an easel at the back of my kitchen bar.Also in Lana's room (yes, still Lana's room) is a beautiful blue and white ceramic birth house. Too pretty to put outside.
Well, it seems so bare in the house with Christmas over. But as Lana keeps telling me, less is better. I have really cleaned out, moved furniture, and making new yard sale stacks every day. Here are a few pics of my living room and beautiful dishes in the kitchen from Cracker Barrel. Thanks Lana for all of your help. What about those mint green walls in the kitchen and the bright yellow walls in the living room. Brightening things up a little!!!!
Church News: We began a new planning year at Ivy Bluff today. You know us Methodists, we have a committee for everything. Several members of various committees met to create a 2009 budget for the church. After the meeting, we had our regular bible study session. A new neighbor of mine (who is living in my grandma's house), Joshua, came today to church and tonight. He even played our music Sunday night for us. I hope he continues to attend. He said he felt that God had lead him to Ivy Bluff but wasn't sure what he was suppose to do. God is good!!!!
Lowell Duke and Garrett Crawford singing. Precious!! And last but certainly not least, three of "our" boys waiting to go to class with Mrs. Brenda Bogard.
I live in Southern Middle Tennessee with my husband, Mark. I have a wonderful son, Justin and wife Kelly, and a great daughter, Lana, husband Joe, and grandson, Easton. I teach Physical Education at Deerfield Elementary and North Coffee
Elementary. I attend the Ivy Bluff Methodist Church. I love coordinating the children's message in our Sunday morning services and Vacation Bible School each summer. My love for children inspires me each day. I have finally discovered worrying is useless and we should turn everything over to God.